Everyday Life Experiences
4 min readJan 25, 2021

Our tips on how to take care of your mental health

My Story

Kishen and I have recently re-connected after having lost contact for a few years. We got to chatting and catching up on our respective lives. We later realized that we are both into blogging, and it was exciting having someone else to share this journey with. Our connection led to both of us asking each other: “what made you start blogging?” For me (Tammy-Anne) it was life, that seemed so overwhelming at times, trying to conceive has been an emotional roller coaster and took a toll on my mental health. That made me realize that we all experience challenges, heartbreak and mental fatigue at some point, so I thought that I would share my experiences with the world and maybe I could inspire or motivate just one person struggling to get through life.

The Kishen Morar Story

For me blogging ( allowed me to voice my daily life challenges, relationship challenges, going through the challenge of depression, being admitted into care for help & save me from myself whilst preparing to move countries. Not being a vocal person, I decided to channel all my feelings and thoughts down with this blog. My blog allowed me to build on my brand and digital footprint and which has always been something that I wanted to do. Like Tammy-Anne, I too am sharing my experience to help others who feel like they cannot voice and/or express how they feel.

To quote: “I am not what I think I am, I am not what you think I am, I am what I think you think I am” — Charles Cooley, meaning we live in a perception of a perception ourselves.

Do not be deceived by what you think you know

Here is the thing though, on the surface we both seemed to be “happy”. We both seemed to have it all together. That is just it; we looked happy from the outside. No one knows what the next person is experiencing, and unfortunately, we tend to judge others based on assumptions without knowing or understanding their struggles. This led to us collaborating on mental health and awareness.

Mental Health is real; most of us are going through something!

To whoever is reading this, what you feel is valid.

Grief is real

Anxiety is real

Depression is real

Sadness is real

Boy or girl (man or women), young or old your feelings are real and matter

The storm that you are going through right now is real. Your emotions, that sense of feeling overwhelmed is real. It matters that you are feeling this way. You matter!

However, none of this is permanent. We evolve, we learn, and we grow. First, we need to accept and acknowledge that we need to work on ourselves. “IT IS OKAY…. to not to be okay”, nobody should discount what they feel. We believe that it is when true healing and growth begins, acknowledgement.

Remember, you are not alone on this journey, reach out to a loved one, seek professional help or drop us a message if you need to chat with a stranger. If you had the flu symptoms, you would go to the pharmacy and get medication to help yourself to get better. Yet we are so stubborn/scared to acknowledge to help ourselves when it comes to mental wellbeing perhaps out of fear of being ostracized.

We no experts, but we know that you need to fix you because no one else will do it for you.

Self-Care Tips for when you feel that life is much:

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Originally published at on January 25, 2021.



Everyday Life Experiences

Life can be challenging! Everyday Life Experiences help us to grow, learn & heal. One person’s journey is another’s inspiration, motivation and survival guide.